Outfit Details: Dress- Forever 21; Tights- We Love Colors; Shoes- Target; Jacket- Modcloth
I pretty much have been in a blue and red color combo rut lately. I don’t know why. And you can’t particularly tell from this here blog. I’ve been trying my hardest to mix it up. Just figure that every day I’m not doing outfit photos, I’m wearing red and blue together.
Today was no different. Though I did try to down play it a bit. Using a dark maroon instead of bright red.
Oh yea, and more We Love Colors tights! This pair is from the second round of purchasing. I also got two other pairs. What can I say? I’m obsessed.
Half way through taking pictures, Sean showed up in the doorway and started creeping.
Sean got me a camera remote for Christmas. This is actually my second time using it, I just forgot to mention it last time. I love it! It takes about a third of the time to take outfit photos as it did with the self timer. The magic of this is something that you just can’t explain to somebody who doesn’t take daily pictures of themselves. The life of a blogger…
Sometimes, when I use spit to slick down that silly part of my hair that stands up in the morning, I feel like a boy from the 50’s. George McFly in Back To The Future comes to mind. Funny thing to do, you might think. But it really helps. Better than water usually.
I feel that last comment pretty sums up this post for you. Hope you are all having a good week! Today is my Friday! See you tomorrow for a fun filled New Years Eve!
P.S. Welcome to my new couple of followers! As always, it’s nice to know that I’m not just typing to myself.