Wednesday, October 20, 2010

High Society





Outfit Details:

Shirt, Shoes- Target

Vest- H&M

Pants- Forever21

Tights- Sears


I have decided to make some changes here. I figure that I am young enough to the blogging world to still get away with a total re-vamp. The rest of the week will continue with the same ol’ format. Hopefully next week will welcome the changes.



This is an outfit that I would have worn every day of high school if I would have known to. I got the tights under the cut offs from a Vice Magazine Do’s and Don’ts. I saved the picture for a long time, but have since misplaced it the wonders of my computer.

I am trying to embrace my inner cowboy here in Tennessee. I tried a scarf even, it was just too warm in the sun. A beautiful 70*. I could hardly get myself to do anything of value, it was just too nice out! I had the Ferris Bueller syndrome.

Can’t wait to get the new changes going. If only I knew how to work Dreamweaver…. at all.


Long days and pleasant nights. Bryce!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Cute, cute look. I love the plaid and those boots. The whole look is so perfect for fall!