Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Watering Hole



Outfit Details:

Shirt: Miley Cyrus for Walmart

Jeans: Urban Outfitters

Shoes: Target


I bought this shirt for $7 at Walmart the other day. As much as I laughed about the Miley Cyrus/ Max Azaria collaboration, I have to admit when it yields something worth while. I also bought a romper a few month ago, but had to return it when I realized that there was absolutely no way that I if couldn’t even button it at home by myself, I wasn’t going to be able to do it by myself in a public restroom. I never had, but always wanted, a jean shirt. And now I have one for the extremely reasonable price of $7. I really can’t complain.

I took the opportunity of Sean being home to have him take some pictures for me. I was watering our pumpkin plants in the back yard and he offered to snap some shots. And who am I to pass up a good deal.

I also have recently been trying to master this:


It’s a Nikon F3. It was my grandpa’s. My mom wants to use it, so I hijacked it to see if it worked properly. As far as I can tell, it either has a electrical short, or CVS batteries suck. The shutter release and metering system works when you turn it on, but after the first picture is taken, they both shut off. According to the instruction manual, those are the symptoms of a battery shortage. I put brand new batteries in and this is what happens. I may end up taking it to a camera shop to get worked on. If that is, I have to money I’m sure it’s going to take to get it fixed.

Meanwhile, I found a bunch of film and some old disposables in a box at my parents. I’m busy finishing off the cameras so that I can develop them. Hopefully there is something worthwhile.


Long days and pleasant nights. Bryce


lauren winter said...

hey lady! you asked me recently where a good nashville place to live would be? first off - congrats on the move! east nashville is a really neat community, especially around the little five points. you can find safe and inexpensive areas east of gallatin road in east nashville (west of gallatin can be a little unsafe), and I highly recommend it - neil and I are actually looking for a place there. otherwise, green hills area and belmont area are both safe and really nice. hillsboro village and the gulch are great places to visit. hope you have a good time! let me know if I can give you any advice.

Playing Hooksies said...

pretty awesome camera. I'm trying to find one at an okay price. not working too well so far. Water that grass its hot!!

Cute top :)